I’m excited to share that I’ve partnered with Real California Milk again to help raise money for families affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. For my post I made my favorite dessert from my childhood in Canada – butter tarts!
If you’ve never had a butter tart you are missing out. As the name implies, these tarts are full of butter. Between the crust and the filling, the butter is what makes this dessert so special. It’s important to use the best quality butter you can find. For me that’s butter made in Northern California with Real California Milk.
I used a butter puff pastry instead of the traditional pie type dough. I also made them in a mini muffin tine, perfect for a holiday get together spread.
The Real California Milk Spot the Seal campaign will make a donation every time you share a photo of their Real California Milk seal on social media. For every submission Real California Milk will donate $5 to the Great American Milk Drive (up to $20,000) to help families affected by hurricane Harvey and Irma in Texas and Florida.
There’s no purchase necessary, so just get a close up shot of the little Real California Milk Seal the next time you are at the grocery store. You can post from now through December 31, 2017. Make sure to use the #SealsForGood hashtag so your photo counts.

There are three simple steps to make sure your photo counts toward the $5 donation:
- Click here to make sure you get the right seal and know what you’re looking for
- Then take a picture of the Real California Milk Seal and post it on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #SealsForGood
- On Facebook mention @RealCaliforniaMilk or Instagram @RealCalifMilk
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